Article/Book Title | Authors | Journal and Vol |
Intergovernmental revenue relations, tax enforcement and tax shifting: evidence from China |
Xiao, Chengrui(肖承睿) |
International Tax and Public Finance (2019): 1-25. |
Flat rate taxes and relative poverty measurement: a reconsideration |
Li Nan(李楠) |
Social Choice and Welfare, 2019, 52(2): 353-362. |
College admission in three Chinese provinces: Province-specific versus pooling quotas |
Yun Pu(蒲云) |
China Economic Review,online 26 April 2019 |
Dynamic Incentives and Relative Performance in Best-of-N Contests |
Xiandeng Jiang |
Review of Industrial Organization 2018, 53(3), pp563–590 |
个人所得税专项附加扣除对劳动收入的再分配效应测算 |
刘蓉、寇璇 |
财贸经济,2019.5 |
乡村振兴视角下公共服务对农村多维贫困减贫效应研究 |
郝晓薇 等 |
中国软科学,2019.1 |
Optimal policies for climate change: A joint consideration of CO2 and methane |
Zhang X B, Xu J |
Applied energy, 2018, 211: 1021-1029 |
Interstate pollution spillover and setting environmental standards |
Huang C, Santibanez-Gonzalez E D R, Song M |
Journal of cleaner production, 2018, 17 |
Identifying the nonlinear correlation between business cycle and monetary policy rule: Evidence from China and the US |
Liu, D., Xu, N., Zhao, T., & Song, Y |
Economic Modelling,2018,73: 45-54 |
A paradox of expert rights in abstract argumentation |
LI Nan |
Social Choice and Welfare, 2018, 51(4): 737-752 |
Time-On-Market in Chinese condominium presales, |
Xiaorong Zhou, Velma Zahirovic-Herbert & Karen M. Gibler |
International Journal of Strategic Property Management,2018 22(3): 191–203 |
Pollution, Happiness and Willingness to Pay Taxes: The Value Effect of Public Environmental Policies |
Liu, N., Liu, R., Huang, J., & Chen, L |
Problemy ekorozwoju, 2018,13(1), 75-86 |
The Tradeoff between Growth and Environment: Evidence from China and the United States |
Xu Jing, Li Jianjun |
Problemy Ekorozwoju, 2018, 13(1) |
Reference-Dependent Hedging: Theory and Evidence from Iowa Corn Producers |
Jacobs K L, Li Z, Hayes D J |
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2018, 100(5): 1450-1468 |
The Weather Premium in the US Corn Market |
Li, Ziran, Dermot J. Hayes, and Keri L. Jacobs |
Journal of Futures Markets 38.3 (2018 |
经济政策不确定性对宏观经济的影响——基于实证与理论的动态分析 |
许志伟,王文甫 |
经济学(季刊),2019,18(01 |
地方财政可持续性评估——兼论税收分权能否提升地方财政可持续性 |
李建军,王鑫 |
当代财经,2018(12 |
试论我国房地产税与公共服务的对应性 |
刘蓉,李阿姣 |
税务研究,2018(12 |
平台经济下的税收治理体系创新 |
周克清,李霞 |
税务研究,2018(12 |
地方债务融资对政府投资有效性的影响研究 |
毛锐,刘楠楠,刘蓉 |
世界经济,2018,41(10 |
促进先进制造业发展的增值税优惠政策设计 |
张伦伦,蔡伊娜 |
税务研究,2018(10 |
再论中国财政学科发展的方向及路径选择 |
马骁,李雪 |
财政研究,2018(08 |
论市场对资源配置起决定性作用中的税收作用 |
李建军,张伟,蒋海英 |
税务研究,2018(07 |
气候变化视角下我国林业投资效率研究 |
齐林,周小林 |
中国软科学,2018(06 |
税收负担、财政补贴与企业杠杆率 |
李建军,张书瑶. |
财政研究,2018(05 |
地方上级政府对转移支付的截留研究——基于省级与地级数据的实证分析 |
杨良松,余莎 |
公共管理学报,2018,15(02 |
增值税抵扣链条扩大对税收中性和经济增长的冲击效应研究 |
刘元生,陈凌霜,刘蓉,王文甫 |
财政研究,2018(02 |
财政透明度中的资源诅咒——基于四川省县级财政自主性的经验证据 |
陈隆近,吴亚萍,冯力沛 |
中国经济问题,2018(01 |
供给学派减税理论与政策评析 |
黄健,刘蓉,祖进元 |
经济学动态,2018(01 |
政府投资对房地产和非房地产部门效应的非对称性分析 |
王文甫,王瑞祥 |
当代经济科学,2018,40(01 |
地方债务、政府投资与经济增长动态分析 |
黄健,毛锐 |
经济学家,2018(01 |
个人所得税的累进性与再分配效应测算——基于微观数据的分析 |
张楠,邹甘娜 |
税务研究,2018(01 |
支持养老服务业发展的税收政策探析 |
郭佩霞,胡彬 |
税务研究,2018(01 |
谁从政府间税收划分中受益?——基于税收背离和税收受益的分析 |
李建军,王瑞祥 |
财经问题研究,2018(01 |
地方政府规模、产权性质与企业税负——基于中国上市公司的实证研究 |
黄策,张书瑶 |
世界经济文汇,2018(02 |
地方政府债务扩张与系统性金融风险的触发机制 |
毛锐,刘楠楠,刘蓉 |
中国工业经济,2018(04) |
污染外溢效应与环境税费征收力度 |
黄健,李尧 |
财政研究,2018(04) |
Housing Wealth, Property Taxes and Labor Supply among the Elderly |
Zhao, Lingxiao(赵岭晓), and Gregory Burge |
Journal of Labor Economics, 2017, 35(1) |